Youngsters Join Residents of Senior Community for Alzheimer’s Walk in Edina
September 22, 2022 | Sun Current
The biggest fundraising event of the year in the Twin Cities for the Alzheimer’s Association took place Sept. 17 at Target Field, but not everyone who wanted to participate could make it to downtown Minneapolis.
Knowing their residents want to help the cause, all The Waters senior living communities in the Twin Cities metro area held Alzheimer’s fundraisers and walks of their own. On September 13, dozens of residents of The Waters of Edina were joined by kids from the after school program at nearby Countryside Elementary for their walk.
The walk took place at Countryside Park, which is right across the street from the senior living community, and just down the road from the elementary school. The kids and seniors walked the quarter-mile paved path around the park together, carrying purple balloons and colorful pinwheels, and sharing stories.
“The Waters of Edina is a very engaged, social community. They are a philanthropic community. They love to support causes near and dear to them, so there is always excitement about everything the Active Life team suggests to them, including the walk,” said Judy Mathis, Active Life Manager at The Waters of Edina.
“We were asked by The Waters of Edina to come by and do the Alzheimer’s Walk with them,” said Owen Kilanowski, Kids Club program lead at Countryside Elementary. “It shows the kids that at any age they can make a difference. They really enjoyed it. They were able to speak with all of the people that live in The Waters and learn a lot.”
Constance Davis, who has lived at The Waters of Edina since early spring, added, “I love that we can do things with the kids, and will continue to do things with the kids moving forward.”
Between sponsorships for The Walk to End Alzheimer’s and a few other fundraising events at the community, including one where residents and staffers got to throw pies into the faces of managers, The Waters of Edina residents have raised about $1,000 for the Alzheimer’s Association.